The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) is organizing a workshop on «Virtual Laboratory
Testing and Micromechanics» using Level Set – Discrete Element Modelling (LS-DEM) on 22nd to
23rd September 2022 in Oslo, Norway. The LS-DEM is a novel and powerful numerical tool in
engineering that can be used to simulate micro scale material behaviour to describe the macro
scale behaviour. This workshop aims to bring together worldwide the top researchers within
LS-DEM technology and leading wind energy industry partners.
The workshop will specifically target the advantages of expanding lab testing with virtual laboratory tests using the state-of-the-art LS-DEM. With this workshop NGI aims to make industry
aware of LS-DEM as a valuable computational tool for solving industry problems related to
geotechnical design in the offshore wind energy sector, reducing associated engineering time and
costs e.g., by optimized geotechnical laboratory testing. The workshop will serve as a meeting
place for industry and research and will create an environment for ideas development, research
proposals and funding opportunities.